Saturday, September 19, 2015

Tackle Your TBR {Update Day 5}

Recap of Day 5 (September 18th):
All of the books I've decided to read for this challenge are ebooks. I may add some other physical books in if I'm doing well, since I have a few from the library, but since they're ebooks, I don't have page numbers, I have percentages. I'll try to figure out pages numbers, but may use percentages.

I get up really early to exercise a couple of times a week and by Friday, I'm dead! I sat down to read and ended up taking two naps! TWO!! I still managed to get quite a bit of reading in (for me).

Day of the challenge/Date: Day 5 / September 18th
What I read today: Finished Out of the Ashes, A July Bride, and 25 pages of A June Bride
Challenges/Giveaways: Spine Sentences Challenge @MamaVickySays

9/18: Spine Sentences Challenge @ Mama Vicky Says
Today's finished books: 2
Percentage/Pages read: 333 pages
Total number of finished books: 6
# of Participants visited: 5
Titles of finished books: