Monday, September 21, 2015

Review: Out of the Ashes by Alicia Buck


Out of the Ashes by Alicia Buck
Paperback, 288 pages
Published September 8th 2015 by Cedar Fort Publishing & Media 
Source: I received a copy from the publisher in exchange for an honest review
My Rating: 4 out of 5 Stars
When Ashelandra’s father dies, she ends up a servant in her own house, instead of the Baroness she was supposed to become. But Ash’s secret sorcery could be the key to winning back her home and following her heart to a future she never imagined. This fantasy-infused Cinderella story puts a magical twist on a classic tale. Riveting and original, it’s a spellbinding read.
My Review:
I LOVE fairy tale re-tellings and this one is a very unique telling of Cinderella. I loved the creativity that went into the story and the spins that made it its own story. I've never read one quite like this, with Cinderella having the magical powers.

Ashelandra (aka Ash) seems to have it all, until her father dies and her wicked uncle obtains guardianship over her and her home. Life as she knows it goes downhill from there. I loved really seeing and understanding how she came to be in her circumstances and the steps she took to cope and move toward the future. I loved the twists on a familiar story. Instead of wicked step-sisters, we get two cousins, a male and female. 
I fell in love with a few of the characters. Ash is such a strong woman with a mind of her own. Prince Phillip has a rebellious streak and by his nature and description, I couldn't help but picture Prince Harry. A few of the side characters were great too.

The first half of the story did move slower, as things were being set up and I felt the similarities between the classic and this one disappeared when the story picked up. Of course, the reader gains more adventure and magic, but the story took a life of its own. I wanted things to work out in a familiar way, yet I was intrigued by the twists and was taken by surprise with a few events. I wanted a little more fairy tale romance, but still really enjoyed the book.
Content: mild violence (abuse, torture, etc--non-graphic); very mild romance. Clean!
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 About the Author:  

Alicia BuckI was born in Salt Lake City, Utah on a cold November day and have hated the cold ever since. Luckily, I live in St. George now with my husband, Jason, and my three children, Connor, Riley and Elizabeth. I wanted to be a writer ever since fourth grade. At that time, I felt sure my stories were creative masterpieces. When I was older, I reread my flashes of brilliance only to realize that they were nothing of the sort, but that didn't smash my desire to keep writing. I received my bachelors degree from BYU in English and had to constantly defend my major when I had absolutely no desire to teach. Who said English majors all had to be teachers?

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