Wednesday, September 6, 2017

The Silver Princess by Lea Carter {Review}

The Silver Princess by Lea Carter
Paperback, 247 pages
Published December 17th 2013 by Lea Carter (first published January 1st 2012)
Have you ever tried to imagine what it would be like if fairies grew up? Or if they didn't spend their time preparing to paint flowers or spread frost?

Rebecca could be the girl next door - with wings and a crown. She has very few worries, until the day she has a riding accident and is rescued by a mysterious man-fairy.

In the world of Fairydom, wisdom wins out despite inexperience when young Princess Rebecca takes on civil unrest and the handsome stranger. Readers of all ages will cheer her courage as she defies those intent on dethroning her father.
My Review: 3 Stars
All of my preconceived notions about fairies literally flew out the window with this story. I can't imagine them growing up and dealing with "real life" issues or even eating "normal" food, such as meat and bread, but in this book, it all happens.
Rebecca is an average fairy who encounters a man-fairy, Scamp, when she's rescued from an accident and her heart is lost. It's not all rainbows and bubblegum after that--they have a lot of challenges to overcome and a lot to learn, both about life and about family secrets, and I enjoy the way they each adapt to their situations.
There are moments of danger, mystery, and adventure, as well as some light romance, but I would have loved more details about feelings and events--something deeper. The story seems to skim the surface, making it a great read for a younger audience, but the romance wouldn't interest that age group.   
This is an enjoyable book, but does end on a cliffhanger, so be sure to have Book 2 on hand if you want to continue on immediately.
Content: mild violence; mild romance 
*I received a copy, which didn't influence my opinion. All thoughts are my own.*
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