Tuesday, September 27, 2016

The Thirteenth Chance by Amy Matayo {Review}

The Thirteenth Chance by Amy Matayo
Paperback, 287 pages
Expected publication: September 27th 2016 by Waterfall Press


Baseball star Will Vandergriff knows any number of women who would happily pretend to be his girlfriend. In a last-ditch effort to restore his good standing with his team’s higher-ups, he enlists the help of his neurotic, goody-goody neighbor. Schoolteacher Olivia Pratt might be a bit quirky and a bit of a loner, but she’s a lot more inviting than she knows. Will hopes that bringing her to his next game might revamp his reckless reputation and help get his career back on track. The only problem? The plan works a little too well. Not only do the higher-ups love Olivia, but Will plays his best game yet. Suddenly his losing streak is a thing of the past, and Olivia is his new good-luck charm. Will feels anything but lucky.

After years of keeping the world at bay, Olivia Pratt is pulling off the ultimate performance—not only reluctantly posing as Will’s girlfriend but also insisting that she’s oblivious to his major-league appeal. But she can only lie to herself for so long. Being by Will’s side feels good. Really good. Maybe it’s finally time to make a pitch for everything she really wants—and to find out just how exhilarating love can be.


My Review: 5 Stars

This is exactly the type of book that I love--a clean, romantic comedy! I love it when the romance isn't easy and the characters have flaws and depth, making them easy to relate to and to like...or dislike. Olivia is an OCD school teacher who isn't afraid of being herself. And that right there is a big reason why sparks fly--she doesn't know how attractive, endearing, and quirky she really is. I laughed out loud at the antics involving her cat, Perry! Will is Olivia's annoying neighbor and is a big shot baseball pitcher--a person completely opposite from herself. I love this author's style of writing!

I don't have an athletic bone in my body, but I love stories involving a sports figure. Will is hot, but he's kind of a cocky jerk. I mean, "I'm Will Vandergriff. The whole world is in love with me, even if I'm currently losing. Why do I keep forgetting that?" Yeah, he's very cocky. There were times when I wanted to slap Will on Olivia's behalf, but then these little hints of a good guy would shine through and all would be forgiven...or would they? Will comes up with a plan to turn things around in his downward spiraling career and the results are some fantastic and swoony (clean) chemistry, hilarious moments, tender times, and deep self-examinations on both parts. 

I love it when characters go through the gamut of emotions and experiences. Opposites can be a good balance for each other and it seems that the attraction is stronger when there is conflict. "It's funny how a body can go from cold to overheated in two sputtering heartbeats." I love a book that takes me on a roller coaster ride, leaving me completely content and satisfied by the end. Although I don't deal with similar issues myself, I was still able to connect with the characters and enjoy every single page.

Content: mild language; mild-moderate romance (kissing, innuendo, implied intimate past relationships); Clean!

*I received a complimentary copy from the publisher in exchange for an honest review*


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About the Author:

Amy MatayoAuthor Amy Matayo is an excellent speaker, mathematician, seamstress, chef...and liar. She's decent at writing books but not much else. Then again, the book thing makes her marginally cool and a whole lot intimidating.

Not really. Not even her kids are afraid of her.

She graduated with barely passing grades from John Brown University with a degree in Journalism. But she's proud of that degree and all the ways she hasn't put it to good use.

She laughs often, cries easily, feels deeply, and loves hard. She lives in Arkansas with her husband and four kids and is working on her next novel.

visit her website at http://www.amymatayo.com

You can also find Amy on Facebook:

Twitter: @amymatayo

Instagram: amymatayo.author

Snapchat: amymatayowrites  

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