Thursday, September 29, 2016

The Sheriffs of Savage Wells by Sarah M. Eden {Review}

The Sheriffs of Savage Wells by Sarah M. Eden
Paperback, 336 pages
Published September 27th 2016 by Shadow Mountain
He's the most fearsome sheriff in the West. A force to be reckoned with. The stuff of legend.

So is she. . . . May the best sheriff win.

Paisley Bell knows the eccentric people of Savage Wells. From the absentminded shopkeeper who always thinks she's been robbed to the young man who has returned shell-shocked from the war, Paisley has compassion for them all. When the sheriff up and leaves town, Paisley steps up and assumes the responsibility, partly because she loves the work, but also because she needs the income to take care of her sick father. So when the town council decides that the position of sheriff should really go to a man, Paisley finds herself fighting to prove that she's the perfect candidate for the job, even though she wears a skirt.

Cade O'Brien is heartily sick of shooting people. In his many years as a lawman, Cade has seen his share of blood and violence. So when he answers an advertisement for a sheriff job in the sleepy town of Savage Wells, he believes he's found the peace and quiet he's always desired. But when he discovers that his biggest competition for the job is a woman, he begins to question his decisions.

Tension between the two begins to sizzle when both Cade and Paisley realize the attraction they have for each other, but when Paisley's former beau shows up in town, along with a band of bank robbers, the blossoming relationship between the two sheriffs is tested. They will have to work together to thwart the bank robbers and keep the town safe.
My Review: 5 Stars
I'm not a brave soul and I don't like to buck the trend, but I love reading about characters who are completely opposite of me. When the sheriff of Savage Wells leaves town, potential candidates move in and try to win the job. Paisley has been acting as sheriff, behind the scenes of course, for a few months and thinks she should be a shoe-in. But women in the Wild West aren't afforded the same positions that men are and it's a hard battle--especially going against well-known sheriff, Cade O'Brien. I'm not a person who wants the dangers that being sheriff in this time period brings, but Paisley can handle it. She's tough, sassy, and capable, but I felt a little sorry for her.
There's something very comforting about a tough, manly, and non-nonsense cowboy and Cade completely brings those warm fuzzies around. While he comes across as a bit gruff at times, he's a kind man and just what this town...including Paisley...needs. I almost couldn't stand the sparks between these two, that threatened to erupt into a full-blown wildfire--because they were sizzling hot, yet completely clean. *swoon* I love a book that has a lot of romantic tension, as well as some adventure and suspense, and this one has plenty of all of the above.
I love the quirky, small-town characters and they way they all interact; I adore the banter between Cade and Paisley and couldn't wait to see what would happen next; and I was fascinated by how well the story flowed. While there is plenty of action, it's not overwhelming--just the perfect mix of elements to make a very enjoyable story.

Content: mild violence; mild (but swoony!) romance. Clean!

*I received a copy in exchange for an honest review*
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About the Author:

Sarah M. Eden 
Sarah M. Eden is a USA Today bestselling author of multiple historical romances, including AML's "2013 Novel of the Year" and Foreword Review’s 2013 “IndieFab Book of the Year” gold medal winner for Best Romance, Longing for Home, and the Whitney Award's "2014 Novel of the Year," Longing for Home: Hope Springs. Combining her obsession with history and affinity for tender love stories, Sarah loves crafting witty characters and heartfelt romances set against rich historical backdrops. She holds a Bachelor's degree in research and happily spends hours perusing the reference shelves of her local library. Sarah lives with her husband, kids, and mischievous dog in the shadow of a snow-capped mountain she has never attempted to ski.


  1. I'm so glad you loved it! I have got to make time to read it too!!

  2. Great review. This is my favorite blog- always get honest reviews & find new books to ❤️️
