Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Beck & Call (Pianos & Promises #2) by Jennifer Peel {Review}

Beck & Call (Pianos & Promises #2) by Jennifer Peel
Kindle Edition, 125 pages
Expected publication: September 20th 2016

What happens when a dashing Englishman and an almost famous pianist collide? Sparks. And lots of them.

Call’s life always seems to be on the cusp of working out, only to unravel at the last moment. For instance, when she meets the guy. The man she’s been fantasizing about from afar. The one who walks his beautiful Siberian husky around her neighborhood. Their first meeting is nothing like she hoped; in fact, she wishes she never met him.

Charles Beckett is in need of a good dog-sitter, but he gets more than he bargained for when a cheeky American bartender shows up at his house fifteen minutes late. The job interview quickly turns into a sparring match and Call leaves vowing to run him over with her truck the next time she sees him.

It’s up to their dogs now to bring the pair together.

Will Call finally have one of her dreams come true? Or will the Englishman be another checkmark in her long list of unrealized promises?
My Review: 5 Stars
I know that Jennifer Peel can write, but I didn't realize that she's a magician, too--not until I read this book! There are so many moments where magic happens...and it all happens with the way she uses words. I was laughing, smiling, and swooning--in just 125 pages--which is very magical indeed. My heart was singing right along with Call.
Call is raising her younger brother and working two jobs to make ends meet. How many girls in their mid-20s would do that? She's very selfless, sweet, and loving, but boy, oh, boy--she has a sassy and spunky streak that really spices up the story. Beck is a Brit and that accent could melt the paint off a wall. I could totally picture his words in my mind and adored him even more for it. He's a total swoony hero and I grew to love him as the story progressed, as first impressions weren't exactly favorable.

One of my favorite things about this series is how they're each told in first person. I honestly feel like I'm sitting down with a good friend, getting caught up on her life, cheering her on, and giving her advice (if only in my head). It's so easy to understand and connect with the characters this way.

I love the dog interactions and of course, I'm a little partial to Toby, because my little furball is named Toby, too. There are so many sweet moments that are bound together by these pets and I adored them.

All in all, this was the perfect way to spend my morning and I'm so sad it's over with! I'm looking forward to the next book, as usual. Carry on, pip pip, cheerio!

Content: some mild language; very brief religious reference (mainly due to Christmas); mild, spicy, clean romance (kissing, some light innuendo). Clean!

*I received a copy in exchange for an honest review*


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