Tuesday, September 13, 2016

The Perilous Journey of the Much-Too-Spontaneous Girl by Leigh Statham {Blog Tour Spotlight/Giveaway}

On Tour with Prism Book Tours.

The Perilous Journey of the Much-Too-Spontaneous GirlThe Perilous Journey of the Much-Too-Spontaneous Girl
(The Perilous Journey of the Not-So-Innocuous Girl #2)
by Leigh Statham
YA Steampunk
Paperback & ebook, 297 pages
September 20th 2016 by Month9Books

Lady Marguerite Vadnay and her trusty automaton, Outil, have settled into life in New France rather well. Marguerite is top of the class at flight school and her future as an aerpilot is nearly secure. She has everything she wants— except a commission on the pirate hunting dirigible The Renegade. Using every card in her aristocratic arsenal, Marguerite wiggles her way onto the finest warship France has to offer. But as usual, Marguerite’s plans endanger the lives of those she holds dear— only this time no one else is going to save them. As Marguerite and Outil set off on a rescue mission they may not return from, she finally realizes it’s time to reorder her cogs.

This steampunk adventure is littered with facts from The Golden Age of Piracy and follows (not too closely) some of the lives and adventures of the brave men and women who sailed the seas as privateers, pirates and soldiers.

Guest Post
Top 10 Tools Lady Marguerite Always Has on Hand
10. Aer Cannon – No self respecting girl would get on an aership without an aer cannon in New France.
9. Flight Suit with Monogrammed Buttons – much more practical than a dress when fighting aer pirates, or slipping quickly away from that much-too-friendly aerman with horrid teeth. Bonus: Monograms make it easier for the Royal Guard to identify your body should you lose your head.
8. A Brass Cricket – Flashlight, homing beacon, plus a hidden compartment for valuables, or extra monogrammed buttons. One can never have too many spare buttons.   
7. Pockets – Whether it be a work dress, ball gown, or flight suit, a Lady must have pockets. Where else would you put your brass cricket?
6. Friction Pistol – No need for black powder with this amazing little gadget created by Claude. That boy is just too smart.
5. Pink Satin Underthings – Because those military uniforms are so itchy. Girls need to take care of themselves, even when swashbuckling with the best of them, there is no reason to settle for less than the best on the inside.
4. A Decent Meal – Never underestimate the power of a well cooked goose with fresh bread and a bowl of fruit. If there is one thing the French know better than engineering, it’s food. Please pass the foie gras?
3. Goggles – Claude Vadnay goggles are preferred for their quality and multiple uses, including but not limited to: night vision, shatterproof lenses, excellent fit, and secure fittings. However, if these cannot be located (as they are rare) anything to keep your eyes free of bugs and your hair out of your mouth will do.
2. A Dashing Young Man (or two) – This goes without saying. A lady must have someone to dote on her every need and provide for her, unless you are a young lady who can take care of herself, then a dashing young man is an excellent target for anger or love, depending on the day.
1. Outil – Although originally designed to be the ultimate tool, (as her name suggests) Outil is the best friend a girl could ever have, and you can’t get very far in life without a good friend.

Other Books in the Series

The Perilous Journey of the Not So Innocuous Girl (The Perilous Journey of the Not So Innocuous Girl #1)The Perilous Journey of the Not-So-Innocuous Girl
(The Perilous Journey of the Not-So-Innocuous Girl #1)
by Leigh Statham
YA Steampunk
Paperback & ebook, 297 pages
March 17th 2015 by Month9Books

Lady Marguerite lives a life most 17th-century French girls can only dream of: money, designer dresses, suitors, and a secure future. Except she can’t quite commit to a life of dull luxury and she suspects she may be falling for her best friend Claude, a common smithy in the family's steam forge. When Claude leaves for New France in search of a better life, Marguerite decides to follow him and test her suspicions of love—only the trip proves to be more harrowing than she anticipated. Love, adventure, and restitution await her if she can survive the voyage.

Based on the true story of The Daughters of the King, Louis the XIV’s social program to settle the wilds of Canada with women of noble birth, Marguerite’s steampunk adventure follows in the footsteps of nearly one thousand brave women and girls who were rewarded handsomely for trekking across the pirate infested Atlantic to a strange land.

"The writing is solid and the world-building – that clever combination of historical detail and Ms. Statham’s imagination – is excellent."~ The Australia Times Books

Leigh Statham was raised in the wilds of rural Idaho, but found her heart in New York City. She worked as a waitress, maid, artist, math teacher, nurse, web designer, art director, thirty-foot inflatable pig and mule wrangler before she settled down in the semi-quiet role of wife, mother and writer. She resides in North Carolina with her husband, four children, five chickens and two suspected serial killer cats.

Leigh is also a founder of QuantumFairyTales.com and is currently serving a life sentence there as senior editor and gnome driver. She loves all things sparkly and strange that go bump in the night.

Tour Schedule

September 11th: Launch
September 12th:
September 13th:
September 14th:
September 15th:
September 16th:
September 18th: Grand Finale

Tour Giveaway

• 1 winner will win signed copies of The Perilous Journey of the Not-So-Innocuous Girl and The Perilous Journey of the Much-Too-Spontaneous Girl plus some awesome Steampunk goggles (US only)
• 3 winners will win ebook sets of The Perilous Journey of the Not-So-Innocuous Girl and The Perilous Journey of the Much-Too-Spontaneous Girl (open internationally)
• Ends September 23rd
Grab Our Button!


  1. Love the cover--of course it the fact that it reminds me of johnny Depp helps with this tremendously. I love adventure books and this one sounds really exciting to me.

    1. I hope you get a chance to read it! Johnny Depp is a good reference to have. ;)
