Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Slave Queen (Omar Zagouri Thriller #3) by H.B. Moore {Blog Tour Review and Giveaway}

Slave Queen (Omar Zagouri Thriller #3)
by H.B. Moore
Paperback, 352 pages
Published August 30th 2016 by Thomas & Mercer


Special Agent Omar Zagouri’s latest case is his most dangerous—and his most personal yet. The discovery of secret sixteenth-century letters unveils a plot between the sultan Suleyman and his chief wife, Roxelane, to change the course of the Ottoman Empire. A descendent of Roxelane, Zagouri learns he has an enemy whose revenge has been centuries in the making.

Targeted by an antiquities collector who’s also descended from a chief rival for the ancient throne, Zagouri soon uncovers a modern-day conspiracy that threatens the lives of his family and the security of a nation.

To expose the plot, Zagouri must team up with Naim, the son of his nemesis, who heads an international black-market operation that may have ties to the killings. From ancient Constantinople to the present-day Middle East, Zagouri is on a collision course with history. Time is running out to solve a royal mystery and stop a ruthless killer—one who has Zagouri’s name on his hit list.


My Review: 5 Stars 

I have loved Omar Zargouri from the start and this story had my mind completely swirling. H.B. Moore has an incredible talent of twisting a couple of different plot threads together in a way that completely blows my mind. The book jumps between three different points of view. Omar always seems to be in danger, but it's taken to a whole new level when his personal life becomes involved. On a quest to solve this mystery, he's forced to team up with an archenemy's son, Naim. The story also follows Naim and his adventures in unraveling the mystery as it pertains to him. The reader is also treated to a fascinating account of a sultan and his favored wife, Roxelane, from the sixteenth century. The way all of this comes together in a wonderfully meshed up way is very impressive. 

I love the way each part isn't dwelt on for long. I was left on cliffhangers after each chapter, but then found myself immersed into the story lines once again, over and over. Everything is tied together so cleverly and the characters seem so real and believable. I love how there is a subtle (and sometimes outright obvious) love theme that underlines each story, although adventure, excitement, and suspense propelled the plot forward.

These characters are each so amazingly well done! The way the historical figures are portrayed makes me wonder more about other famous, or infamous, individuals in history and what their true-life stories may be. These people come to life right on the pages. The modern characters are also written in a way that rings true. I just can't say enough--I loved this story and always look forward to what H.B. Moore will publish next.

Content: mild language; mild-moderate levels of violence and suspense, although nothing is too graphic; mild romance (kissing, mild innuendo). 

*I received a copy in exchange for an honest review*


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About the Author:

H. B. MooreHeather B. Moore is a USA Today bestselling author of more than a dozen historical novels and thrillers, written under pen name H.B. Moore. She writes women's fiction, romance and inspirational non-fiction under Heather B. Moore. This can all be confusing, so her kids just call her Mom. Heather attended Cairo American College in Egypt, the Anglican School of Jerusalem in Israel, and earned a Bachelor of Science degree from Brigham Young University in Utah.

Please join Heather's email list at: http://hbmoore.com/contact/
Blog: http://mywriterslair.blogspot.com
Website: www.hbmoore.com
Twitter: @heatherbmoore
Facebook: Fans of H.B. Moore

Literary awards: 4-time Best of State Recipient for Best in Literary Arts, 3-time Whitney Award Winner, and 2-time Golden Quill Award Winner

Tour Schedule:

Thursday 8th - Empower Moms
Friday 9th - My Book a Day
Saturday 10th - Wishful Endings

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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