Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Christopher & Jaime (Pianos & Promises #1) by Jennifer Peel {Review}

Christopher & Jaime (Pianos & Promises #1)
by Jennifer Peel
122 pages
Publication: September 6th 2016 
Jaime Seger has two goals in life: marry her best friend, the man that owns her heart and soul, and buy her very own grand piano. But Christopher McKay, who has no idea Jaime's been in love with him since she was eleven years old, never gets the memo and marries someone else.

When Christopher's wife dies, Jaime finds herself helping him raise his young daughter. A year later, she is on the other end of a very unlikely proposal, promising everything she thought she ever wanted.

But will Christopher help Jaime finally realize both of her dreams, or will she only be left with broken promises?
My Review: 5 Stars

Jennifer Peel writes the most heart wrenching, hopeful, sweet, frustrating, romantic, and satisfying stories ever! Each book is so full of emotion and each story just gets better and better. This novella is packed full of everything a lover of women's fiction could ever want and it's just so good.

Has anyone had a crush on their best friend? Christopher and Jaime seem so different, yet their friendship has withstood the test of time and after years and years, the chance to be together presents itself in a slightly unconventional way. How can Jaime pass up her dream of being with her one true love? 

The thought that kept running through my head while reading this story was, "Choose your love; love your choice." That right there, my friends, is definitely easier said than done, especially if both parties involved aren't completely convinced. I also kept singing Sara Bareilles's song, "I Choose You" in my mind--it's like the theme song to this book.

I honestly can't believe the range of emotions I felt while reading this. It's raw, slightly edgy, and real. And I loved every minute of it. I'm excited to read the rest of this series.

Content: this isn't squeaky clean, but it is technically clean for an adult reader (kissing, talk of marital relations--no details given, some innuendo); mild language. 

*I received a copy in exchange for an honest review*


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About the Author

Jennifer PeelJennifer Peel is the mother of three amazing kiddos. Wife to her one and only for the past twenty-two years. Lover of late night talks, beach vacations, the mountains, pink bubble gum ice cream, tours of model homes, and southern living. She can frequently be found with her laptop on, fingers typing away, indulging in chocolate milk, and writing out the stories that are constantly swirling through her head.  

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