Friday, September 2, 2016

King of the Friend Zone by Sheralyn Pratt {Review}

King of the Friend Zone by Sheralyn Pratt
Kindle Edition, 351 pages
Published September 1st 2016 by Wicked Sassy
From the Power of the Matchmaker series:

Esme Taylor has an amazing fiancé, a lifelong best friend, and a problem.

The problem stems from the fact that her best friend is named Hunter and, well. . .he’s kind of (totally) hot. It’s hate at first sight when her fiancĂ©, Jon, and Hunter meet. Jon’s convinced that Hunter is in love with Esme, and that Hunter must be out of the picture if their upcoming marriage is to succeed.

Esme thinks Jon is paranoid.

The truth is, Jon’s not that far off. Hunter is in love with his best friend and always has been. What Jon has wrong, however, is that Hunter never had any plans of ruining Esme’s happily ever after. Hunter wants what’s best for Esme, even if that’s not him.

When Jon pushes hard to end Esme and Hunter’s friendship, opposition comes from the most unlikely of places. It’s an eccentric lady with a cookie cart who suggests a different solution to Esme’s problem: Hunter and Esme should give each other a chance.

They’ve both thought of the possibility over the years—of course they have. But with a ring already on Esme’s finger and a heap of hurt feelings and broken trust in the mix, there hasn’t been a worse time to explore the depths of their feelings for each other.

Both Esme and Hunter think it’s time to move on and leave childhood crushes in the past. The question is: Can one woman and the taste of one cookie change their minds?
My Review: 5 Stars
It's amazing to me that an author can continue to deliver fantastic books over and over again, and Ms. Pratt does a fantastic job of doing just that. This book is part of the The Matchmaker series, but can stand alone, as each book just has one central character--Pearl, the matchmaker. Esme is the best friend of Grace, the main character from The Kiss That Launched 1,000 Gifs (you can see my review here), but this one can also stand alone. 
Esme has finally found her perfect match in Jon, but her lifelong best friend, Hunter, isn't convinced. Through a long course of broken trust and hurt feelings, this story unfolds in a way that completely pierced my heart and soul.
Esme and Hunter have the best, most intriguing relationship ever! I love their texting banters, their jealous moments, and the way they know each other so well. I love how determined Esme is in being fair in her relationship with Jon. I love how selfless, humorous, and hard working Hunter is. I love the strong friendships that are found with Luke, Daryl, Grace, and others. I love the setting--San Fransisco--with the vivid descriptions. I love the role that Pearl plays, as a cookie lady, and the secret ingredient of the cookies is just perfect. Seriously...what's not to love about this book? Okay, there are a few things, namely a certain jerk of a character, but overall, this book had me laughing, swooning, yelling, and even tearing up. The love, the fights, the jealousy, the deep soul-searching moments--I loved it all and I couldn't put it down! I haven't ever been disappointed by a Sheralyn Pratt book and I have high hopes for her future works.

Content: mild, crude language; mild romance (some innuendo, Jon is a plastic surgeon who specializes in breasts, so that's referenced to a few times, kissing); mild violence (some anger issues and fighting, talk of abuse). Clean!

*I received a copy in exchange for an honest review*


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About the Author:

Sheralyn likes to keep things light and fun, but she's also aware that life is a journey and if you're going to go through the effort of buying and reading a book, your life should better for it. So whether one of her books is designed to help you escape for a few hours or teach you a new skill, she hopes it's a good way. ;)

Some random things to know about Sheralyn:
* She's a wanderer (geographically)
* She can write a novel, but doesn't have the attention span for one page in a journal
* She vehemently disagrees with Stephen King's stance that authors should not watch TV
* She is pretty much incapable of sleeping before midnight

That about covers it. Hope you enjoy the books!

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