Thursday, September 15, 2016

Southern Charmed by Melanie Jacobson {Blog Tour Review and Giveaway}

Southern Charmed by Melanie Jacobson
Paperback, 232 pages
Published September 2016 by Covenant Communications
Lila Mae Guidry is a Southern girl through and through. As a fourth-generation Latter-day Saint in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, she’s proud of her heritage as both a Southerner and a Saint—and she doesn’t take kindly to people who disparage either. Ten years ago, Max Archer was just that kind of jerk. As the mission president’s son, Max spent his entire three years mocking the South . . . and teenage Lila. After Max’s family moved away, Lila forgot about her sworn enemy. Almost.

When a new job brings a grown-up Max back to Baton Rouge, Lila is less than thrilled with his reappearance, especially since everyone seems intent on throwing her together with this old adversary. Yet fight as she may, Lila soon realizes resistance is futile—their connection is undeniable. Max embodies everything she wants in a man—except perhaps the most important thing—her life is rooted in the city she loves, but his dreams are bigger than Baton Rouge. With such mismatched visions of the future, Max and Lila are faced with a life-altering decision: jeopardize their aspirations or risk losing love.
My Review: 5 Stars
There's something about that South that gives me the warm fuzzies. I've never lived there, but I love the way the people are so true to their roots, are so polite, and have a way of making everyone feel like warm honey. This book exemplifies the Southern hospitality and really brings Baton Rouge's way of life to life.
Lila is all grown up and teaching school. She wants to be married, but her prospects are slim. When Max comes back to town, she's expecting the same "punk" from her teenage years, but discovers that sometimes people grow up. He's everything she wants--on paper--but he didn't grow up in the South and isn't rooted to it like she is. And that's where priorities come in: what is most important?
The characters in this book are religious (LDS/Mormons), and while I didn't feel it was preachy at all, some readers who aren't familiar with the faith may be lost at some of the events and terminology. It's refreshing to read a story with these types of characters in such a culturally rich setting. I love Lila, her matchmaking mother, and Max. I especially loved the little side angle of Lila's teaching. She sounds amazing, especially with the way she is able to handle and reach out to her students at this rough high school. I love romantic connections and the chemistry is full of tension so thick, you could almost cut it with a knife. This is a darling story and one that I really enjoyed.
Content: mild romance; moderate religious elements. Clean!
*I received a copy in exchange for an honest review*
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About the Author:

Melanie Bennett Jacobson is an avid reader, amateur cook, and champion shopper. She consumes astonishing amounts of chocolate, chick flicks, and books. After meeting her own husband on the Internet, she is now living happily married in Southern California with her growing family and a series of doomed potted herbs. 

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