Thursday, September 18, 2014

Tackle Your TBR Read-a-Thon Update: Day 10 (September 17)

Our house borders the local elementary school and Day 10 was the day of the big school-wide jog-a-thon, which is the fundraiser of the year. I had a DJ and Munchkin Radio music blasting into my house for several hours today, which made for a hard time focusing. I would start to read and then found myself singing along to "What Does the Fox Say" and "Gummi Bear," along with others like that, over and over and over. I went over and cheered my kids on, too--it was a fun, noisy day.

Today's challenge:
9/18: Color Challenge hosted at Wishful Endings

Day 10--September 17th
Participating Blogs Visited: 14
What I read today: 200/272 pages of Twisted Fate
Today's finished books: 0
Total number of finished books: 9.5
Titles of finished books: What Dreams May Come, The Better Man, An Event to Remember...or Forget, Someone Like You, Rewind to You, Thirty-Two Going on Spinster, The Missing Heir, Waiting for You, Summer Kisses

1 comment:

  1. 200 pages read is still pretty good, Katie, even with all that distraction. :) How fun that your kids' school has a jogging day like that. We don't have anything like that here that I know of. Have a great day!
