Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Review: The Strength of Ballerinas by Nancy Lorenz

Strength of Ballerinas blog tour

The Strength of Ballerinas 

The Strength of Ballerinas by Nancy Lorenz
Published: September 2014 by Cedar Fort Publishing & Media, 256 pages
Source: I received a copy from the publisher in exchange for an honest review

Description: All Kendra wants to do is audition for the Manhattan Dance Company. But when a debilitating illness threatens to overwhelm her, she must decide which dreams are worth fighting for.
My Review:  I just wanted to start out with the first discussion question at the end of the book. "Did you ever want to become a ballerina? Why? Was it the art, the fame, the tutus, or something else?" That question really hit home for me because from the time I was teeny tiny, I wanted to be a ballerina. I loved ballet! I loved the poofy, beautiful tutus, of course, but it was the art the really captured my attention. Ballerinas are so graceful and beautiful. Unfortunately, we couldn't ever afford lessons, so I never became a ballerina. When I went to college, they offered a beginning ballet course for a PE credit. You better believe that I signed up! I've always felt like a ballerina soul that's been trapped in a clumsy body, but I still love it.

Kendra knows exactly what she wants in life and she has the willpower, dedication, and persistence to make those dreams happen. Some might say she's a little obsessed with her dream to become an apprentice in the Manhattan Dance Company, but I loved that determination and focus. Not many teens know what they want and I loved watching her go for it. She suffers a setback when her father announces suddenly that they're moving across the country, but her nature allows for her to find a way to continue on with her goal. Then Kendra suffers another blow--her health might not allow for her to move forward with her life plan. 

What I enjoyed most, aside from the ballet, was watching this strong soul come to terms with what life has given her. She's human and shows anger, denial, and fear, yet she also shows great courage and hope. I enjoyed every minute of Kendra's story.

My one minor complaint is the ending. I know it doesn't really matter, but I wanted a big question spelled out in black and white. Oh, well. It was still an amazing journey!

Content: Completely Clean!

About the Author: 
Nancy Lorenz currently teaches as an English adjunct at several colleges. She worked in publishing, public relations and in network television. She studied ballet in New York City at numerous studios, including open level classes at American Ballet Theater in the 1980’s, and continues to study ballet for the sheer love of it. She recommends that you love what you do, but also to branch out to the many subjects out there yet to discover. The more you learn, the more you can bring back into your art.

1 comment:

  1. This book sounds amazing! Adding to my Goodreads. I am fascinated with books that let me dig into careers or subcultures from the inside out :) I love learning new things even though I don't know anything about ballet!
