Monday, June 24, 2013

Book Review: Belonging by Karen Ann Hopkins

***--3 stars (minus one for content).
Publication: May 2013
Length: 418 pages
Description (from amazon):
I left everything I knew behind.
But it was worth it. He was worth it.
No one thought an ordinary girl like me would last two minutes living with the Amish, not even me. There are a lot more rules and a lot less freedom, and I miss my family and the life I once had. Worst of all, Noah and I aren't even allowed to see each other. Not until I've proven myself.
If I can find a way to make it work, we'll be Noah & Rose together forever.
But not everybody believes this is where I belong.

My Review: Belonging picked right up where Book 1, Temptation, left off, which was great for me, since I had just re-read it.

Rose is trying to adjust to life as an Amish woman, in hopes of being accepted into the church so she can marry her soul mate. She falls into a good friendship with three girls, who may end up being her downfall. I can't imagine how it would be for her to give up all the "worldly" things she loves to be with Noah. I kept wondering if she'd end up regretting it down the road.

Noah was tough. Before, he could hardly keep his hands off her and now he won't even hardly spare a glance her way--most of the time. He's so dedicated to his way of life.

I was taken off guard by a couple of twists and turns in the book. I like to be surprised in a story, especially if it is done in a realistic way, which this one was.

I was a little disappointed in the content in the story, although some of it was necessary to the storyline. My personal beliefs seems to carry over to what I am comfortable reading about.

Content: language, including one use of a very offensive word; innuendos and talk of intimate behaviors; consummation of relationships, although details were mostly behind closed doors; teen drinking; an instance of violence. This is another one that is technically clean in the romance department, but left me feeling a little uncomfortable. I would NOT recommend it for younger teens.

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