Monday, December 22, 2014

Review: An Uncommon Blue by R.C. Hancock

An Uncommon Blue blog tour

An Uncommon Blue (Colorblind, #1) 
An Uncommon Blue by R. C. Hancock
Paperback, 275 pages
Published December 9th 2014 by Cedar Fort Publishing & Media
Source: I received a copy from the publisher in exchange for an honest review

In Télesphore, the glowing color of a person’s palm determines their place in society, and touching hands with another mixes the colors permanently. When sixteen-year-old Bruno accidentally kills a royal soldier, he goes from favored to fugitive. Now Bruno's only chance at survival is to become someone else. That means a haircut, a change of wardrobe, and most important, getting rid of his once cherished Blue. Now he’s visiting parts of town he never knew existed, and making friends with people he would've crossed the street to avoid only weeks ago. At the last minute, Bruno’s parents arrange a deal to clear his name and get his life back. All Bruno has to do is abandon those in the Red slums that look to him as a leader and let an innocent Green boy die in his place. 

My Review:
I love a good dystopian. I love it when a strong character is able to make a difference in society and is open to taking the lead in bring about change. This society's social levels are determined by the color of the fire in a person's palm. Blue is the desired color, while green, red, and mixed colors are not.

Bruno is a sixteen year old boy who has his future secured. He's a young man who excels in sports and is on track to become a doctor in his society. When he is tricked into touching hands with an inferior color, his world turns upside down. He seems to find himself in deeper and deeper trouble at every turn. I like the way he is able to rise above his problems and look for the greater good. Deep down, his heart is really good and is in the right place. He is a very quick-thinker.

There was quite a bit of suspense in this story. Bruno has to change his appearance and locations often to avoid arrest, and possibly death. He finds himself in impossible situations and handles things quite well. I couldn't turn the pages fast enough to find out how he would get himself out of each scrape. I also couldn't wait to see what colors would emerge with the reactions (touching palms of different colors).

I loved his Granny. She is such a feisty and resourceful woman. There were definitely characters to love and others to hate, but she was a favorite.

I am excited to see that this is Book 1 and can't wait for more!

Content: I love that the "swearing" was the word black. There wasn't anything else; moderate violence (deaths, abuse, bullying), but it wasn't graphic; very mild romance. Clean.

Amazon  *  B&N

About the Author:
R.C. HancockRC (Recalcitrant Conformist) Hancock began his writing career with a story about a dead cat which his second grade teacher thought was brilliant. Convincing others of his literary genius has taken longer than expected, but along the road he has acquired a domestic goddess, four hairy gnomes (who, thankfully, look more like their mother), and a degree from BYU in Recreational Management & Youth Leadership (which gives him license to act like a child.) An Uncommon Blue is his first novel and the cause of most of his hair loss.  

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1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the great review, Katie! I'll be sure to contact you about book 2 tour. :)
