Sunday, August 6, 2017

National Sisters Day GIVEAWAY

August is Romance Awareness Month
and I'm celebrating by giving away a print copy of
The Vicar's Daughter by Josi S. Kilpack!
Thanks to the Proper Romance line for sponsoring this month full of fun.

Today, August 6th, is National Sisters Day.
I'm so lucky to have two little sisters and I adore them both.
This picture is a few years old, but it's one of my favorites of the three of us.

Image may contain: 3 people, people standing and outdoor

The Vicar's Daughter is a darling story about sisters
and their love for each other. 

Do you have sisters? If so, are you close?

Cassie, the youngest of six daughters in the Wilton family, is bold, bright, and ready to enter society. There's only one problem: her older sister Lenora, whose extreme shyness prevents her from attending many social events. Lenora is now entering her third season, and Cassie has no choice except to wait her turn.
Evan Glenside, a soft-spoken, East London clerk, has just been named his great-uncle's heir and, though he is eager to learn all that will be required of him, he struggles to feel accepted.
A chance meeting between Evan and Lenora promises to change everything, but when Lenora proves too shy to pursue the relationship, Cassie begins to write Mr. Glenside letters in the name of her sister but her good intentions may lead to disaster.
As secrets are revealed, the hearts of Cassie, Evan, and Lenora are tested. Will the final letter sent by the vicar's daughter be able to reunite the sisters as well as unite Evan with his true love?


Enter to win a copy of your own
on the Rafflecopter below.
*must be 18 or older to enter, 
or 13 or older with parent permission*


  1. I have had two very special sister. An older one who lives only about 20 minutes away, and a younger one who is at home with the Lord.
    I think siblings are a great blessing, my brother lives about six hours away and I always wish he was closer.

    1. That's very special, Patty! I wish I would've appreciated my siblings more when I was younger, instead of now when we're all spread out.

  2. I don't have sisters, so I find close girl friends instead. It's still not the same I think.

  3. No sisters....but I have three girls so hopefully they'll remain friends for life.

  4. I have one sister who is nine years younger than I am. needless to say we were not close at all. In fact we tried avoiding each other as much as possible. It wasn't until both our kiddos were in grade school all day that we decided to see if we have anything in common. Twenty Five years later we are best of friends. Nothing we wouldn't do for each other. So glad we made that decision. Maybe that is why I love reading books about sisters.
    quilting dash lady at Comcast dot net.

  5. I don't have blood sisters but rather sisters by choice. My "sister" is closer to me than blood relatives. She's always been there for me even being my lifeline while I was full time caregiver to my Mom with cancer and Alzheimer. To say I love her is an understatement.

    Thanks for the chance to win a copy of The Vicar's Daughter!
