Monday, March 9, 2015

Review: Cursed Beauty by Dorian Tsukioka

Cursed Beauty (A Fairy Retelling Book 1) 

Cursed Beauty (A Fairy Retelling Book 1) by Dorian Tsukioka
Kindle Edition, 73 pages
Published November 15th 2014 by Dorian Tsukioka
Source: I received a copy in exchange for an honest review

Description: A pair of glass slippers that can change her life? When something is too good to be true, it usually is...

Adelaide has lived her entire life cursed with a birthmark that makes people shy away. When an invitation to the Elder Prince’s ball falls in her lap, she knows attending would only cause people to shun her more.

A fairy godmother feels her pain and offers her a pair of glass slippers that not only transform her ragged dress to an elegant gown, but also removes the mark that covers her face. However, Adelaide soon learns that the beautiful slippers can steal away more than just her birthmark, leaving her cursed in a far worse way.

This retelling of the classic Cinderella story will resound with readers of young adult fiction who love paranormal fantasy, fairy tales, and a splash of romance.

My Review:  I love a good fairy tale retelling, especially when it brings a few new elements to an old favorite. This one is everything it claims to be and is darling. I'm not creative enough to think outside of the box and I love it when authors can do this. I especially love what the glass slippers can do and the way the fairy godmother was portrayed. 

Adelaide is the equivalent to Cinderella, but there are some twists. She has a birthmark across her face, but instead of hiding behind it, she's honest, almost to a fault. I love a story with a strong, persistent main character--one who is beautiful (on the inside) and resourceful, too. 

The Princes (two brothers) were great and I would've enjoyed getting to know them better. Both are kind and accepting, but I wanted a little more about them.

The prologue does give some of the story away, but I loved "going back" and having the gaps filled in throughout the story. I read it in one sitting. If you love Cinderella and you love a classic with a little bit of everything twisted into it, you're sure to love this one! 

Content: Squeaky clean romance (mild, brief kissing); no language or religious elements; mild violence (matter of fact mention of a beheading with no details). 

About the Author:
Dorian TsukiokaDorian Tsukioka was born in Iowa, but lived most of her childhood in the heart of America, in Kansas City, Missouri. After college, she lived in Japan, in Nagasaki Prefecture. There, she met her her husband and got her crazy last name.

She and her husband lived in Las Vegas, Nevada, Durango, Colorado, and Colorado Springs, Colorado until her first born child came along. Then, the lure of free babysitting brought her family back to Kansas City, where you can go to the opera, see a major-league ball game, and go cow tipping all in one night. Dorian does not suggest anyone go cow tipping.

Dorian is a full-time elementary school teacher and late-night writer. She loves writing young adult fantasy, paranormal, and science fiction stories. She thinks they rock.

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