Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Review: Redeem This by Cami Checketts with Giveaway

Some men are beyond redemption. Alex is one of them.

After Alex Chakhota was blackmailed and manipulated into becoming a hit man to protect his sister, serving time as the FBI's assassin doesn't do much to ease his conscience. His next assignment brings him face to face with Brittany, a beautiful woman that believes he's more than the killer he's been made into. The road to redemption is long for someone with a blackened soul, and with lives hanging in the balance, Alex has a short deadline.

Detective Scott Bentley's days of law enforcement are behind him. When he's asked to host agents at his secluded ranch for an FBI sting operation, Scott cannot refuse. Ivy McMahon shows up with the team, and Scott gets more than he signed up for. Not only can she hack into the any computer system, she's found a way into Scott's heart. The trouble is that she's in protective custody and when the job ends, she'll disappear.

Is redemption possible for those whose lives are scarred by the past? With danger crowding close, not even love may have a chance to redeem before it's too late.

Don't miss the exciting sequel to Blog This by #1 Bestselling Inspirational author, Cami Checketts.

My Review (I received a copy in exchange for an honest review):
I just finished Blog This and was completely torn--Alex is a bad guy, yet he's got a streak of good in him. I seriously gasped out loud when I started this book and realized that Alex was a main character. Would I love him or hate him? Because I was sure loving him by the end of the first book. In fact, there were a few characters that I really grew to love in the previous novel who had major roles in this story. 

Alex does what he does for a very good reason and feels that he's beyond hope. I enjoyed getting some more insight into his story and learning who he really is. I loved the message--is anyone truly hopeless? Can people change?

There were two stories found within this book and they crisscross all over the place. Alex now works for the FBI and is hired to befriend a dangerous man, but Brittany catches his eye and complicates his job. What a sweet, forgiving woman she is! There's also a parallel story of Scott and Ivy, teaming up to help Alex with his mission. They both have difficult pasts to overcome. I love the independence and strength they both have, yet they show their vulnerabilities. 

I really don't want to give things away, but I loved the characters and the way things played out in very romantic, yet extremely suspenseful ways. I love the way this author weaves a tale and shows some good, clean romantic moments! 

Content: Clean romance (kissing); no language; mild religious elements (talk of redemption, Christian values and love); moderate violence (not graphic, but human trafficking, murder, shootings, abuse).

Find Redeem This for only $3.99 at these vendors:
Amazon * B&N * iTunes * Kobo

If you haven't had a chance to read Blog This, it is $0.99 until February 28th.

Amazon * B&N * iTunes * Kobo 

Praise for Blog This
"Cami Checketts is a genius! She writes about topics that aren't widely discussed, in and out of books, and she does such a brilliant job of crafting these things into wonderful stories that touch your heart and remain with you for days afterwards."
Myra, Reviewer, Pieces of Whimsy

Don't forget to enter below to win an audio copy of Dead Running and an ebook of Shadows in the Curtain

Thanks for stopping by!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Just heard about Madonna getting hurt at The Brits. I hope she's OK.

  2. Thank you, Katie, for the wonderful review!
    Many hugs,
