Publication: April 2014, Covenant Communications, 193 pages
My Source: I borrowed a copy from the library.
With wedding festivities swirling around her, the bride's fortune-telling aunt transfixes young Shannon Fielding. The gypsy woman foresees love in the girl's future: before her thirtieth year, Shannon will meet the man of her dreams. The promise of romance is absolutely thrilling it's almost enough to compensate for the groom's annoying younger brother . . .
Shannon has remembered, and loathed, Nathan since their childhood meeting at the wedding reception that set her on a never-ending quest to find her Mr. Right. When Nathan steps back into Shannon's life, she is forced to reconcile her memory of the obnoxious boy he once was with the endearing man he's become. Nathan quickly becomes the best friend a girl could ask for but when their friendship threatens to develop into something more, can Shannon give up the idea of the mysterious soul mate she's sought for so long?
My Review:
This is exactly the kind of romantic comedy that I love! I've decided, after reading everything this author has written, that I won't be disappointed with her books.
Shannon meets her best guy friend in an unusual way and when he doesn't remember her from the past, she accepts it and is determined that all they'll ever be is friends, because come on--he's "Jerkface." Nathan, it turns out, is a very decent guy--he just had a moment of being a young teen when they met.
I loved the friendship these two had. They were very competitive with one another and decided to take turns planning "scary" activities for them to participate in, thus getting to know each other really, really well. Shannon is completely clueless. I sometimes wanted to shake her to see if she was awake and paying attention to life, yet she is a true, fun friend who is very likable. She's really not afraid of much and is very agreeable to many things that would scare me off. Nathan is a very patient friend, who is one of the most unselfish guys I've ever read about! He's not a wimp-- he is so kind and caring. What girl in her right mind wouldn't love to have a friend like him?!
There are tender moments, as well as frustrating ones (in a good way), funny ones, and fun ones. And I can't forget those romantic ones. *sigh* I thoroughly enjoyed this one!
Content: kissing. Clean!
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About the Author:
Aubrey has four published novels: SPARE CHANGE, which won the 2008 Whitney Award for Best Romance, MY FAIRY GRANDMOTHER, SANTA MAYBE, and BEFORE THE CLOCK STRIKES THIRTY. She also has a novella, "The Science of Sentiment", included in the Timeless Romance Anthology Spring Collection.
You can visit Aubrey at her website,
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