Friday, July 14, 2017

First Line Fridays

Welcome to First Line Friday hosted by Bookworm Nation!
This fun meme is easy to do, simply pick up the book you're currently reading and share the very first line! There are some really good first lines out there, they grab you and suck you right into the story--
make you want to keep reading. My selection for this week is:
Lies and Letters by Ashtyn Newbold

"The scratching of a quill did little to settle my nerves."

“That same ache I had been feeling for weeks now blossomed inside of me, bruised, bleeding, and broken. Only now did I realize it was my heart.”
After a season in London, Charlotte Lyons is still regrettably unattached. With her family’s finances in peril, she is sent away with her sister to a bleak coastal town where she is expected to pursue a wealthy earl. She is beautiful and talented, how can she possibly fail? But when her heart is captured by someone entirely unexpected, Charlotte finds herself caught up in a web of lies and intrigue. Between hardship and sorrow, she finds more than she bargained for, forced to choose between the life she once wanted and a new love she never imagined. 

If you want to participate, use the graphic and link up with
Bookworm Nation. Don't have a blog? Leave a comment.
What are you reading?

1 comment:

  1. I'm noticing more first person stories (or there are more of them). This sounds great! wow!
