Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Great Summer Reads Countdown Blitz Day 9: Venators: Magic Unleashed by Devri Walls

Devri Walls is the best-selling author of six YA fantasy novels. She is a theater major with a flare for the dramatic and wishes more than anything for a magic wand. Devri is from Boise Idaho where she lives with her husband, two kids and the cutest mutt of a dog the world has ever seen. When she’s not writing she can be found teaching voice lessons, trying to resist the urge to sell her two beautiful children to the circus, and cooking. Because…. food. Mmmmmmm.


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"Six years ago, Grey Malteer was attacked by creatures he thought couldn’t possibly exist. They repeated a word, calling him a name he’d never heard before…Venator. Since then, his life has been a hellhole of secrecy—hiding old pain alongside strange new abilities.

Rune Jenkins has an itch, as she calls it, but it’s more than that. It’s an anger that builds up like the inside of a boiler whenever she’s around anything remotely supernatural. The pressure is growing steadily worse and she can’t understand why. All she knows is—her control is slipping.

By order of an unknown council Grey and Rune are pulled through a portal in the St. Louis arch, landing them in an alternate dimension where creatures of myth and legend exist. A realm that calls them, Venators.

Made up of centuries old fae, vampires, werewolves, elves and succubi the council’s corrupt nature becomes obvious as they seek to wield the newly returned Venators as weapons. Wedged in an impossible position, Grey and Rune must decide their fate—do they go against the council’s wishes and help the innocents of this unforgiving land, or face the possibility of execution by the council."

~ Amazon ~ Amazon UK


Ryker’s snoring had grown to a delightful combination of a gravel truck and a freight train. The internal resentment she always felt was growing, and the irritating sound fed everything that bothered her—like an infection spreading from one cell to the next. It had been building for years, but tonight it finally hit critical mass.
Rune jerked to her feet, driven by a need to do something, and moved to the window.
She loved her brother but damn it, she hated him too. What could possibly have been so horrible that it was worth sacrificing not only his life, but hers too? Surely he knew that’s what he’d done. How could he not see that she’d given up everything because of him?
Her life consisted of two things: chasing after Ryker to make sure he didn’t kill himself, and making sure she pulled the grades and sunk the shots to make mom proud. A Herculean effort. And futile.
What about what she wanted? Didn’t that matter to anyone?
A sob escaped and she wrapped her arms around herself. Did she even know what she wanted? There was a time when she’d enjoyed drawing. Creating images of vampires and demons had made the itch stop after her and Ryker’s games ceased. But the pictures had turned so dark they’d scared her mother, so Rune had let it go.
She also loved to teach and had thought about being a coach. According to her parents, “teachers didn’t make enough money,” so teaching was therefore unacceptable. Because nothing made you so happy as a house full of expensive items you didn’t need.
Fury and resentment kindled within, directed both at her parents and her drunken fool of a brother. Past history and overflowing stores of anger provided ample amounts of dry tinder, and her emotions rose violently, flaming to an unbearably hot inferno. She shook with sobs that her unconscious brother wouldn’t hear. Years of self-sacrifice ran down her cheeks in crystal streams and then…something snapped inside.
An odd calm wrapped her in its embrace, followed by a clear knowledge of what would stop the pain. She let out a slow breath and straightened, wiping the tears from her cheeks.
She was done.

Screw Ryker. Screw her parents. They could figure out life without controlling hers.

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