Thursday, July 14, 2016

Someone Like Him by Ann Herrick {Blog Tour Review and Giveaway}

Someone Like Him
by Ann Herrick


GENRE: Teen Romance



When New-York-City girl Emily visits her cousin Janelle in Oregon, Emily wonders how she'll survive the wilderness.  Janelle wonders if the wilderness will survive Emily's visit—and if she can convince her cousin to help save part of an old-growth forest.  

Meanwhile, Emily also wonders if a big-city girl can get along with a county guy—named Bret. Under forest canopies and by crystal-clear waters she struggles with her growing attraction to him. But they're so different. Whoever thought she'd fall for someone like him?


My Review: 4 Stars

I'm a sucker for a cute, clean, teen romance and this one was great! I loved the way this story took me back to my carefree teen years, where my biggest worries were what to wear, what to do, and does he like me or does he not? There's a lot of nostaglia for a reader like me found in these pages.

Emily is determined to make the best of her situation, although she's not happy about it at all. I appreciate the way she tries--and that's the key word--tries. Relationships are tricky during the teen years and Ms. Herrick does a great job at portraying these fun and awkward encounters.

From camping/hiking mishaps-to-trees-to-jokes gone too far-to-more trees-to-forging a path in an uncharted territory, this book will have you smiling, cringing, and enjoying it, page after page. There's not a lot of meat to the story, but it's the perfect, fluffy, summer read for those who enjoy a light-hearted teenage story. I felt like I was reliving a wonderful summer from my past and found pleasure from start to finish.

It would be fun to have Emily's cousin, Janelle, visit Emily in New York City next summer and see how another fish out of water fares.

Content: mild romance. Clean for all ages!

*I received a copy through Goddess Fish Promotions in exchange for an honest review*



It wasn't easy trying to fit all my stuff into one small suitcase and an overnight bag. But Dad said that was the limit. I wished I had room to pack my old scout manual. I vaguely remembered there was a section about survival in the wilderness. I figured I might need that.

"Now, Cheryl," Dad said to Mom. "Don't start getting teary-eyed."

"But Richard, we're sending our only daughter off to Oregon." Mom sniffled.

A fine time for Mom to have second thoughts—just as I was about to board the plane. I let out a long sigh and tried to look really sad. Maybe she'd give in to her misgivings and let me stay.

"She'll be in good hands," Dad said reassuringly.

"We'll be in Europe, six thousand miles from my baby!"

Ordinarily I would have moaned and declared that I was not a baby. Now, however, I worked at getting my lower lip to tremble.

"Everything will be fine!" Dad's voice was getting high and squeaky, a sure sign that he'd had it. "Emily will love Oregon. It'll be an educational trip. It's time she sees something besides the cities of the world. Now let's say good-bye before she misses the plane!"

Dad hit just the right combination of panic, annoyance, and determination.

"You're right, dear." Mom kissed me goodbye.

Dad gave me a hug and kiss, then stepped back and put his arm around Mom. They both stood there with smiles on their faces.

"Bye," I said as cheerfully as possible. I could tell there was no point in any last-minute hysterics. I squared my shoulders and headed toward the plane.

I thought there could at least have been some appropriately dreary background music as I marched off to my doom.


AUTHOR Bio and Links:

Ann Herrick is the award-winning author of several books and short stories for kids and teens. Included in the awards her books have won are the ALA Recommended Book for Reluctant Readers, IRA/CBC Children’s Choice and EPIC Best YA Novel Finalist.

Ann grew up in Connecticut, where she graduated from The Morgan School and Quinnipiac University.  She now lives in Oregon with her husband, who was her high-school sweetheart.  Their wonderful daughter is grown, married and gainfully employed, and has given Ann her only grand-dog, Puff, a bloodhound-Rottweiler-beagle mix and six grand-kitties.  While she misses the East Coast, especially houses built before 1900, she enjoys the green valleys, fresh air and low humidity in the Willamette Valley of Oregon.  Ann loves cats, walking, the Oregon Ducks and working in her back yard.  In addition to stories and books for children and young adults, Ann also writes copy for humorous and conventional greeting cards. She loves to hear from her readers and can be contacted through her web site:   



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  1. Congrats on the tour, I enjoyed reading the excerpt.

  2. Who are some of your favorite authors; what strikes you about their work?

    1. I like Sarah Dessen, Judy Blume, Susan Isaacs, Emily Griffin. They all are amazing at developing characters.

  3. Thanks for sharing the excerpt with us, definitely sounds like a book I'd enjoy!

  4. Thanks for sharing your review, I'm looking forward to reading this one myself. I am intrigued by the blurb so I'll definitely be checking it out :)

  5. How much research do you do?

    1. It depends on the book. I did quite a lot of research about old-growth forests for Someone Like Him.

  6. What sparked your interest in the Children's & YA categories?

    1. Reading to my daughter, and, when she was older, seeing what she was reading and checking out some of those books myself.

  7. Really great review and wonderful excerpt.

  8. I missed a day but catching up and thanking you once again for the chance at winning.

  9. Have an awesome weekend and thanks for the opportunity to win your great giveaway

  10. Thanks for the opportunity to read about the book.

  11. Thank you for the opportunity to win and have a blessed Sunday

  12. Congratulations for the book and blog tour

  13. Good morning and thank you once again for the chance to win

  14. A bright Good Morning to you and thank you for the opportunity you have brought all of us to win
