Friday, July 22, 2016

Great Summer Countdown Blitz: Day 11--Guinevere: On the Eve of Legend by Cheryl Carpinello

I am retired high school English teacher. A devourer of books growing up, my profession introduced me to writings and authors from times long past. Through my studies and teaching, I fell in love with the Ancient and Medieval Worlds. Now, I hope to inspire young readers and those Young-at-Heart to read more through my Quest Books set in these worlds.
I also conduct Medieval/Short Story Writing Workshops in Elementary/Middle School classes. Contact me if you are interested in holding a workshop for students:

Q&A With the Author:

1.  What inspired your book?

My former students were my inspiration. When I taught the Legend of King Arthur, my students knew next to nothing about Guinevere other than she married King Arthur, cheated on him, and caused the downfall of Camelot. I wanted kids to see a more rounded character of a young girl not much different from them.

2. How do you spend your free time

I enjoy spending time with my family, reading, watching my favorite movies, and being outside. When I have an extended period of time, we travel. Two of our biggest trips have been to Egypt and the United Kingdom.

Connect with the Author here: 

At the dawn of Camelot, one young girl is about to take her place beside the greatest king in England’s history…. 

She is a mere child of twelve. But in these medieval days, this is the age when childish things must be put away and greater responsibilities accepted—all in preparation for a betrothal of marriage. 

For young Lady Guinevere, on the advent of her thirteenth Birth Day, the whole idea is quite unbearable. After all, what could be better than spending her youth playing with her best friend Cedwyn, roaming the grounds around the castle looking for mythical creatures or hunting rabbits? 

However, the wizard Merlyn—her teacher and friend—knows that destiny has a way of catching up with a person. His arrival sets in motion a series of events that will lead Guinevere to her destiny whether she is ready for it or not. 

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Author Top Ten List:

1.      Things I like to do when not writing:

I enjoy traveling, reading, spending time with my family, and working in the yard. I’m definitely not a housekeeper.

2.      How I relax:

Sitting on the beach in Puerto Aventuras, Mexico!

3.      My favorite color:

Blue’s always been my favorite color. It’s the color of my eyes, of the sky, and of the ocean.

4.      My favorite drink:

Just can’t pass up a good margarita!

5.      My favorite snack:

I devour nachos and Auntie Anne’s pretzels!

6.      My your favorite movies:

Star Wars, The Hobbit, The Lord of the Rings, Indiana Jones, Harry Potter, and The Mummy. I’ve watched each of these so many times that I’ve lost track, and my husband shakes his head when he sees one on and says, “Really?” I just smile.

7.      I am a night owl:

I don’t usually go to sleep until midnight, and now that I’m retired, I’m comfortable not seeing the sun come up in the morning:)

8.      My favorite food:

That would be a smothered shredded beef burrito washed down with a good margarita.

9.      My favorite authors:

I grab anything by the writing duo of Douglas Preston and Lincoln Childs, and I also love their individual books. David Baldacci’s books are also favorites. I’m addicted to blood & guts & spy thrillers!

10.    If I could live anywhere, it would be in Colorado.

We have the best weather—All four seasons. I live next to the foothills, and a drive up in the Rockies is a cure for any ailment. I can see the world famous Red Rock Amphitheater from my couch, and if the wind is just right, we can hear the concerts. My immediate family is all here, except for one sister who lives in Texas, poor soul. In addition to being a retired teacher, I’m also a retired airline employee. So, when I need a change, it’s so easy just to hop a plane and go to the beach.

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