Tuesday, March 22, 2016

The Bluestocking and the Dastardly, Intolerable Scoundrel by Jenni James {Review}

The Bluestocking and the Dastardly, Intolerable Scoundrel by Jenni James


Lord Alistair Compton could not believe Lady Lacey Lamb had the boldness to cut him in the middle of the Huffingtons’ ball. She flatly refused to stand up with him! He responded the only way a man of his consequence could—by placing a wager at White’s. Lady Ice would fall hopelessly in love with him before the Season was through.

Lacey had never been so appalled, so shocked, so scandalized! How dare the monstrous buffoon treat her so horridly, guaranteeing the gossips banter her name about over a ridiculous wager? It was not to be endured. With the help of her brother, Lord Melbourne, a counter bet was placed, and the stakes were high—for who could resist falling for the lovely bluestocking when she was most definitely in the right?


My Review: 4 Stars

I love a story with good banter and this one delivered. Lord Compton was cut at a ball by Lady "Icy" Lamb and is determined to make her pay by placing a bet that she'll fall in love with him. How dare he! Lacey retaliates by having her brother place a bet that he'll fall in love with her. And there you have it, folks--let the battle begin.

Lord Compton is quite confident (aka cocky), yet he does have some redeeming qualities and I loved watching those shine through. The moments when he truly dismisses society and focuses on what's right in front of him are excellent. Lacey, on the other hand, has a heart of gold under her icy exterior, which she has valid reasons for having. Puppies, servants, underdogs...she's got them covered under her wing. I love great characters that furnish such fun and clean entertainment!

The give and take of the story is very rewarding. This couple is a good mesh of opposites and similarities and I enjoyed their story. Looking forward to more by Ms. James!

Content: mild, clean romance. Clean!

*I received a copy in exchange for an honest review*


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About the Author:

Jenni JamesJenni James is the busy mother of ten kids (7 hers, 3 her hubby's) and has over twenty-five published book babies. She's an award-winning, best-selling author, who works full-time from home and dreams about magical things and then writes about what she dreams.

Some of her works include The Jane Austen Diaries (Pride & Popularity, Emmalee, Persuaded...), The Jenni James Faerie Tale Collection (Cinderella, Snow White, Rumplestiltskin, Beauty and the Beast...), the Andy & Annie series for children, Revitalizing Jane: Drowning, My Paranormal Life, Not Cinderella's Type, and the Austen in Love Series.

When she isn't writing up a storm, she is chasing her kids around their new cottage and farm in the tops of the southwestern mountains, entertaining friends at home, or kissing her amazingly hunky hubby. Her life is full of laughter, crazy, and sunshine.