Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Review: The Young Mystery Series: The Missing Lunch by B.K. Maxwell

The Young Mystery Series (The Missing Lunch) 
The Young Mystery Series: The Missing Lunch by B.K. Maxwell
Published June 16th 2014 by CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 142 pages
Source: I received a copy in exchange for an honest review

Description: Delicious PB& J sandwiches, meetings in the restrooms, wandering in the hallways, inappropriate behavior on the playground, giants in the lunch room and the best sleepover ever; what is going on at Rydell Elementary?

Well there’s nothing Kia and Marcus Young of The Young Detective Agency can’t handle.

New to the Detective scene, this sister and brother duo are on the case, helping their friend Dennis find out who has been taking his lunch, not just any lunch, a lunch that could make any and everyone at Rydell Elementary a suspect.

My Review:  Kia and Marcus are two siblings who work well together. They've decided to start a detective business and help their friends solve mysteries. No case is too small for them to take on. Their friend, Dennis, is missing his favorite PB&J sandwiches from his lunchbox for a few days now and is going hungry without them. Kia and Marcus are determined to solve this mystery and set out to do so right away.

I have a daughter in 3rd grade, which is the same age as Marcus. These two kids seems way older than they are. I thought this sounded like a fun one to read aloud with my kids and my kids did enjoy the story, but they kept stopping me, pointing out that no 3rd and 4th graders they know have lockers in their school; no 3rd and 4th graders they know go to different classes for different subjects. These kids seemed more like middle school age to me. 

The story was fun and the mystery was great. We all loved figuring out clues right along with Kia and Marcus, right up until the ending. However, it wasn't easy to read aloud--there were many, many cases of run-on sentences and misuses of punctuation, which had us very confused in spots. Speaking parts were put all together in long paragraphs, which was also confusing. I like to read each character in a different voice and it was hard to decipher who was speaking. I can overlook a few mistakes, but this one had so many that it was very debilitating. With some editing, this one could be the beginning to a really fun, middle-grade mystery series with some characters that kids can relate to.

Content: Clean!

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