Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Tackle Your TBR Read-a-thon Day 2 Update
Phew! My parents' peach tree produced a ton of juicy, delicious fruit and I spent a huge chunk of the day canning, freezing, and eating peaches. What are some other good ideas of things to do with peaches?

DAY 2/September 24

Books Read: 0
Pages Read: 50
Total Books Read: 0
Total Pages Read: 88
Finished Books: 0

Today's challenge is "Favorite Author." Um...I have way too many to choose from, but I'm going to go with the one I'm currently reading--Susan Hatler. I'm reading her newest release, 'Twas the Kiss Before Christmas and it's so cute! She's a favorite clean read author with darling characters.


  1. This is one I'd like to read too. I've only read a few of her books, but I did enjoy them. I got a box of peaches to can some jelly with, but I haven't had time and we've just been eating them. :) Some people make fruit leather out of peaches. I hope today's reading is going well!

    Tressa @ Wishful Endings
