Friday, April 28, 2017

Rachel's Dream by Lisa Jones Baker {Book Blast + Giveaway}


Rachel’s Dream
by Lisa Jones Baker


GENRE: Inspirational Romance  (Amish)



Rachel Kauffman and Jarred Zimmerman seem to have nothing in common.  She's the outgoing youngest of a large, close-knit Amish clan, while Jarred is a young veterinarian who trusts the animals he heals far more than he trusts people.  However, when Rachel's horse falls ill, Jarred's struggles to save him show Rachel he's a man who cares deeply.  And the respect he feels for her gentle warmhearted ways soon becomes an irresistible bond. When Rachel tries to help Jarred reunite with his parents, it's an unexpected blessing..with one complication.  If he takes this chance to put his past to rest, it could separate him and Rachel for good.  Now, with prayer, love...and her hope chest's small miracles, Jarred and Rachel must find the courage to reconcile their wishes into a joyous life together.



That sudden acknowledgment hit her with such a strong emotional ferocity, she wasn’t sure what to say.  I will miss him.  I’ve grown accustomed to his soft, kind voice.  And I feel such a bond with Jarred, like I’ve never had with anyone.  What will I do without him?  

As if sensing her thoughts, Jarred stepped closer.  “Rachel, thanks for lending me your ear.  There can never be a happy ending for what happened.  But I want you to know something.  Even when Cinnamon’s well, I want to keep in touch.”

His statement prompted a sudden sigh of relief.  “Of course.”

As Jarred stepped out of the barn, Rachel yearned for him to stay.  To tell him everything she was feeling.  So many emotions flitted inside her heart-frustration, compassion, gratefulness, sadness, and others she didn’t recognize-as he stepped into his truck and started the engine.

He wanted to keep in touch.  The words came as a relief because she never wanted to be without him.


AUTHOR Bio and Links:

Lisa Jones Baker is a multi-published author with Kensington Books.  Her debut book of THE HOPE CHEST OF DREAMS series, REBECCA’S BOUQUET, won a Publishers Weekly starred review.  A former teacher with a BA degree in French education, Lisa has been on 5 out of 7 continents, is a dog lover.  She enjoys positive thinkers , volunteering in her church’s food pantry, and strong female characters.     


The author will be awarding a $50 Amazon or B/N GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


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  1. Congrats on the tour and thanks for the chance to win :)

    1. Thanks for checking out this book blast! Good luck!

  2. Thanks for hosting! I'll be checking in later!

  3. I love horses and had at one time aspired to be a vet. i think this sounds like a great romance to read about and I love the faith of both characters.

    1. Horses are great! It does sound like a good book and I hope you have the chance to read it.

  4. I have just recently discovered this author and really enjoy her books. Amish books are one of my favorite genre to read. I know I'd enjoy this sweet romance!

    1. Great to know, Deanne! I've read a few Amish books and really enjoyed them and thought this one sounded great!

  5. Thanks so much for the excerpt and giveaway

  6. Rachels dream sounds like a good read. Thank you

  7. Thanks so much, everyone, for checking out RACHEL'S DREAM! I appreciate your comments and hope you all get to read the book!
