Friday, March 10, 2017

First Line Friday

Welcome to First Line Friday hosted by Bookworm Nation!
This fun meme is easy to do, simply pick up the book you're currently reading and share the very first line! There are some really good first lines out there, they grab you and suck you right into the story--
make you want to keep reading. My selection for this week is:

Sanctuary Cove by Kate James

"Rain battered the sidewalk as Emma paused
under the canopy by the entrance
to the post office."

Her safe haven
When New York-based communications executive Emma Meadows finds her personal and professional life in shambles, she retreats to a lakefront cabin in the Adirondack Mountains. Aiding an injured animal at the side of a rain-drenched road, she meets local veterinarian Joshua Whitmore. Gradually, Josh’s charm and persistence overcome her defenses. But when Emma’s past abruptly intrudes—putting reputations and even lives at stake—it threatens everything she and Josh have begun to build together.

About the Author:

Kate  James

Kate spent much of her childhood abroad before attending university in Canada. She built a successful business career, but her passion has always been literature. As a result, Kate turned her energy to her love of the written word. Kate's goal is to entertain her readers with engaging stories featuring strong, likable characters. Kate has been honored with numerous awards for her writing. She and her husband, Ken, enjoy traveling and the outdoors with their beloved Labrador Retrievers.


  1. Thank you for featuring Sanctuary Cove on your blog, Katie!

    1. You're so welcome, Kate! I'll be posting my review in a couple of days and I can't wait. :)
