Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Misunderstanding the Billionaire's Heir by Anne-Marie Meyer {Review}

Misunderstanding the Billionaire's Heir by Anne-Marie Meyer
Kindle Edition, 205 pages
Published February 22nd 2019 by Sweet Heart Books, LLC 
Source: I received a complimentary copy. All opinions expressed are my own and were voluntarily given.
He wasn't supposed to be nice. This changes everything.

Charlotte Robinson has one goal: survive her senior year. Well, if she's truthful, it's actually to survive her new life without her mom. Which would be a lot easier to do if her dad was actually dealing with the death. Instead, he’s buried himself in so many abandoned vehicles that their yard has turned into a suburban junkyard and it's just a matter of time before the city intervenes.

When Lucas Addington, the obnoxious rich kid who's been banished to the small town of Sweet Water, douses her in his caramel macchiato, she's pretty sure she's reached her lowest low. But that's only the beginning. He's conceited and spoiled—everything she expected from a billionaire's heir—until things begin to change. Suddenly, she finds herself drawn to him for reasons she can't explain. He makes her feel safe and wanted, something she'd forgotten how to feel. Just when she allows herself to open up to him, her life comes crashing down around her.

Now Charlotte must decide if she can fix her crumbling life and keep Lucas, or fail and lose everything she holds dear...again.

1 town. 1 high school. 12 sweet romances. Read Misunderstanding the Billionaire's Heir from Anne-Marie Meyer. It is the first installment of the Sweet Water High Multi-Author Series.
My Review: 4.5 Stars

Oh, the angst is strong with this one and this author really has a knack for writing in this genre. I loved how the first impressions were not an example of true personality, as Lucas and Charlotte had to really open themselves up to each other in order to allow each other in.

Things are definitely not always as they seem and that's case in point with these characters. Lucas is rich and comes across as an entitled spoiled brat. Thankfully, there's much more to his story and everything slowly unravels as the pages are turned, leaving the reader with a vulnerable character. Charlotte, too, has had an incredibly difficult recent past and in a effort to find her peace and place in life, unexpectedly finds more than she bargains for and must take risks to finally discover her happiness. The push and pull is so angsty, but really makes for a conflicted and engaging story.

Meyer is able to accurately portray teenage fears and feelings, while managing to captive this adult reader (me). I loved the friendships, both young and old, and the budding romance invited butterflies to take up residence in my stomach.

This book flashed me back to the past, especially with the SWEET VALLEY HIGH reference, and had me cheering and rooting for this new swoony series. I'm so excited to delve into more stories set in Sweet Water and to explore the inhabitants of this wonderful, small town. This set is off to a solid start! 

Content: mild romance

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